Monday, April 4, 2011

Celoteh Mukadimah..

I'm new here... just wanna try something new here.
Where i can express all my thought , interesting information, current issues and off course, me.

*A little bit about my self.. my name is AzRol AsYraF bIn noR AzMan..

*peoples called me aZrol..
 some preferred 'aZul',, and actually that naMe was my nIckname at hOme... didn't kNow wHy, sUmtimes, i like most peoples called me 'azul' tHan 'azrol'..
but that is not very important as both name still have a 'good meaning'..

*I lived in Taman Ixora, Bandar Kuala Rompin.. actually,, my family n I were a MASTAUTIN.. we transfered 2 Rompin bcz my father was assigned here about 9 years ago... sO,, sInce 9 yeaRs ago,, t'meteRalaH aQ sBgaI 'buDaK Rompin...' pape hal pN,, I'm still anak jaTi 'PAHANG'..

*fOr your infoRmation,, I have 2 pRevious pRimaRy schools,, wHich aRe Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri BiRam n Sekolah Kebangsaan Pontian.. sEri biRam was my 1st skul beFore I followed my faMily tRansferred to Rompin.. theN,, alhmdulillah I've create my 1st succes at skul which mean I got flying colours in my UPSR.. 4 dis,, I want 2 thanks so much dedicated 2 my family especially my Mama,, all of my previous teachers n also fRens...

*In cOnjuction I got a gud result in my UPSR,, then I've been offered by Ministry oF Education to futher my study for secondary education at Sekolah Sains Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah pekan,.. not quite famous but it was a wonderful school.. doh..!!! heRe,, I also have create my 2nd succes in skul which was I got a flying colours in my PMR plak.. tapi e2 dulu2.. zamn 'TOKWI' puNye citer... but 4 now,, SHAH, peKan is vey faMous... dtaMbah dgan 'unexpected tHing' yg batch aQ da lakukn on pRevious SPM.. sUddeNly,, 'aGak' gempak der..!! eVen hnye iNcrease 0.01 pointer,, tpi sRbe sbnyak mlonjakkn naMe skula ar jugak.. cIter pasal SPM nie,, myself puNye,, aQ cNtinue later keyh..

*current status still 'single'.. 
eVen in dis hal,, tlalu ramai member2 lame n kenalan sekeliling yG unbelievable wif my status.. sMpai ade yg kate "sapelaah insan btuah 2 nnt ekh".. 4 me,, it's up to all la wat they wnt thnk n talk about me.. and
actually.. I'm still waiting n browsing for 'cHooseN oNe'... :)
(not using google nor yahoo.. neither friend finder)

well , actually I'm not good at this, bahase pN caMpur rojak je.. but i find it very fun.. i hope I'm enjoying it.. wassalam..


ana.suhaili said...

pnjg bnor mukadimmah die.. :))
sape2 pon the chosen one tu, aku nak seat vip eh.. huhuuhu..

fateemajagha said...

i'm the lucky girl! hahah :P

calmehan said...

panjang2..hehe..the choosen one..kalau ade jodoh,,pasti xkemana..:)cop nk jd pengapit!hak3